Sunday 24 July 2011

Railway Road / Station Road - 1906

Railway Road or Station Road as it was known when this photo was taken in 1906. With the exception of the Evening Telegraph building, this view from Salford, doesn't look that different 105 years on.


  1. The Railway Station looks a lot more impressive in this picture than it does today, but apart from that everything else (Apart from the Telegraph building) does look the same.
    Colin you know full well I'm a mug for this part of the town centre...Thanks

  2. What a shame some of the town's buildings have gone. The corner piece of this row was the old LT building and in its place a supermarket and a modern office block. Town planners have a massive amount to answer for.

  3. Yeah it is a shame, but like I say in my caption, other than the LT building (and the addition of the modern office block) the rest is pretty much as it was back then. The shop frontages have altered at ground level, but the ornate buildings are still there, as is the Adelphi. But I agree, we've lost a lot over the decades.
