Wednesday 25 November 2009

Blakeymoor School - c1911

This is Blakeymoor School, quite soon after it was built (c1911). The arched doorway, where the steps can be seen, fronts onto Duke Street. The other wing, which is actually on Blakeymoor itself, is where the swimming pool was located in the basement. The gate and external steps down to the basement, would be/still are, approximately between the two pillars on the extreme right of this view (Please click on the photo, to expand it). The whole basement area, over both wings, are now used for teaching purposes, by Blackburn College, who own the premises. The pool was boarded over in 1999 and the area divided into 3 - 4 classrooms. The pool is still there to this day (empty, I hope) and can be accessed via a hatch in the first classroom.
Didn't Russell Harty (chat show host) teach here briefly, before moving to Giggleswick and then onto TV fame?


  1. I'm so glad you found a photo of Blakeymoor Grammar School. I always wondered what it looked like.. Thanks

  2. It's still there now Deborah and looks pretty much as it does above. The entrance steps are gone and there's a disabled ramp along the Duke Street wing, but other than that and the addition of double glazing throughout, it's more or less the same (though now threatened with demolition - it's a college building and they're always knocking 'em down and putting new ones up).

  3. I was wondering if anyone remembered a headmaster, at Blakey Moor, called (Mr) Moffat? Around 1940/50's, before the technical college evolved and when it was still a school. I am researching my family tree and he was my grandfather. He had a kind face, gentle manner and very slight Scottish lilt.
    Many thanks, Jacqueline

    1. Hi Jacqueline,

      Come back here from time to time, as someone may respond to your question here, but I would suggest that you might get an answer much sooner if you go onto the Facebook group of the same name (Blackburn Past) and also join the other Blackburn Facebook groups (there's quite a few). I think there's a group specifically aimed at Blackburn schools.

      All the best.


  4. I attended Blakey Moor Secondary Boys School from 1050-1955 and the headmaster then was Mr. Clarence Walton. Blakey Moor Girls School (Troy) was up near Beardwood. the boys' school was on the upstairs while the Tech and Grammar School was in the lower section.

    1. Bloody hell Eric!!
      Are you a time lord?
      I was at Witton from 1966-70 and "Troy" was mentioned as part of Billinge school. Something proposed on the lines of a 6th form college if I remember correctly.
