Thursday 26 January 2012

Technical School - Staff & Students Panoramic - 1950's

I rescued this panoramic photo when it was being thrown out back in the late 1990's. It is 34 inches long and 7 inches high. It was taken in front of the then Technical School (now the Victoria Centre).
As you can see, to the left of the image, the statue of Gladstone was already in place. He was moved here from his original site on the Boulevard in September 1955. Judging by the hairstyles on view and the attire, we were still in the 50's when these folks posed for their picture.
Below I have scanned it in four sections, so as to make it easier to see the faces. My hope is that some of the people pictured may recognise themselves, or may possibly be recognised by their descendants.
The overlapping is intentional, as I didn't want to miss anyone out.


  1. the grass gets me colin

  2. Do you not remember the grass? It was still there as late as 1975 / 76, perhaps even later. It was a small triangular shaped plot with a flagstone path through the centre heading towards the front steps of the building and Gladstone's statue in there too (as above).

  3. does anyone know anything about a headmaster at the school by the name of c.b.griffin. I have a book that was given to a pupil gail marie astler for domestic studys. any info to

    1. Mr Griffin was headmaster when I started at the school 1952 I left 1956 anybody out there Brenda
