Thursday 23 August 2012

Ewood Park - New Stand - 1906

Top is an old promotional / advertising postcard from 1906, depicting the new grand stand (Nuttall Street Stand) at Ewood Park. Steelwork by John Booth & Sons of Bolton.
Below that, two players that would have been playing around the same time. The photo on the left was a postcard posted in Blackburn in 1907, but sadly I haven't been able to identify the player. The player on the right, I'm pretty sure is Eddie Latheron, who played for the Rovers between 1906 - 1917. If you know different, please let me know and I'll be happy to amend.
The cigarette 'silk' dates to the same period, perhaps a bit later, but pretty confident it would be pre- WW1.
The photo below is the same stand pictured 79 years later in 1985. I have forgotten where I sourced this photo, so if it's yours, my apologies in advance, just send me the details and I will be happy to credit you (or remove it).
The picture / card below added 30/06/2013 in response to BTS's query with regards Eddie Latherton (please see the comments below).

The other images courtesy of the CP collection 


  1. Hello Sir,

    I just discovered Eddie Latheron in our family tree(in law) and have looked at a few photographs(not many exist I'm afraid)but of the ones I have seen they bear no likeness to the one on here. he died at Passchendale in 1917, six months after his last game for Rovers.
    I'll try and find the name of the player in the picture.

    1. Hi. I have just seen this post about Eddie and that you have discovered the family connection. I too have found that my great great great grandad I think was Eddies dads brother. What relation was he to your in laws. Thank you

  2. Looking at various books I possess about Blackburn Rovers, the best likenesses I can find would be F B Pentland (at Rovers 1903-06 an English International when at middles'bro) for the standing player and T Suttie (at Rovers 1907-15)seated

  3. I do have another photo (a cigarette card) of Eddie Latherton, which has his details on the rear. I'll add it sometime, if I can find it :-)


  4. I've just added that card BTS. I think you might be right, that it isn't Eddie.

