Thursday 6 January 2011

Royal Visit - September 30th 1905

Two postcards issued to commemorate the visit of Princess Louise to Blackburn. She was here on  September 30th 1905 to unveil the statue of her late mother Queen Victoria.
The top photo shows her at the Town Hall (look at the people on the roof of the bank) and the middle photo, on the Boulevard. The bottom photo, added to compliment the other two, shows the scene a few moments later, after we had all piled into the Adelphi to celebrate, leaving Her Maj to her own devices. Even the pigeons came for a drink.


  1. What was the building to the right of the Bank in the top photo used for before it became the Lewis Textile Museum Colin ? I've tried to see if I can make out the writing by zooming in, but it looses it's clarity.

  2. It was used as a cafe / tea rooms for a while John. I have the name of it somewhere. Something is telling me it was run by a couple of elderly ladies or spinsters, something like that.

    I have a little booklet about the Lewis Museum, it might tell me in there. I'll check later.

  3. The Bute Cafe is what it was called before it was the textile museum John (just checked my 1925 directory).
